Sunday, May 27, 2012

I appreciated Rev. Munger's sermon on forgiveness this Sunday. I have seen so much hurt in families and the church due to the inability of a person to forgive what they see as an insult to themselves. I know a family where the father died and a daughter who had visited her mother and father every day until he died took offense at something her mother said and after several years has not been able to go see her mother or her brother and forgive each other. Her mother is apologetic but the daughter can't find a way to forgive.

I have seen a number of church members get offended by what a preacher or some other person in the congregation has said either in jest or inadvertantly making a comment that hurts someone. The hurt person leaves the church and when I asked them why they don't forgive and return they comment that they are not going to let themselves be hurt again. As Rev. Munger said the Lord is not an accountant and told us not to keep track but forgive seven times seven which is a lot of times to forgive someone that you feel is hurting you.

I want to tell them to read Matt. 6: 14-16 where Christ explains clearly why the statement to forgive is in the Lord's prayer in the early verses of Matt. 6. If you feel that you can't forgive someone who has wronged you, read those two verses carefully and rethink your position.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that. Thank you for the well written blog in encouragement of forgiveness. We all need to practice that daily.
    God bless.
